400 Days by Chetan Bhagat: A Mystery Thriller

The mystery-thriller book “400 Days” by Chetan Bhagat covers the journey of Keshav, the main character. Keshav co-owns a private detective service with his pal Saurabh while he prepares for his IPS exams. The book is written in the trademark Chetan Bhagat manner, which combines mystery, romance, humor, and family drama. Although there are a few unexpected turns in the plot, the story develops in a well-known, cinematic way.

Chetan Bhagat incorporates a variety of genres within 400 days Chetan Bhagat including mystery, comedy, family drama, and romance. The book is a smooth and easy read because of the straightforward language. Short, snappy chapters that keep the reader’s interest in the story maintain its quick pacing and predictable cinematic structure. The language is vibrant and realistic, and the characters are believable and easy to relate to, all of which contribute to the story’s organic feel.

The Indian novelist Chetan Bhagat books tenth book, 400 Days, is also his thirteenth altogether. This book is the third in the well-liked Keshav-Saurabh mystery series by the author, following One Arranged Murder (2020) and The Girl in Room 105

More Details

  • Author : Chetan Bhagat
  • Genre : Drama
  • Published Date : 20 July 2022
  • Publisher : HarperCollins India

Available On

  • Formats Available : Paperback, Kindle Edition
  • Shop from : Amazon, Good Reads, Flipkart

Chetan Bhagat is an Indian author, columnist, and speaker known for his captivating novels that have achieved immense popularity among readers, especially the young generation. Born on April 22, 1974, in New Delhi, India, he pursued his education in prestigious institutions like the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi and the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Ahmedabad.

Before venturing into writing, Chetan Bhagat had a successful career in investment banking and management consulting. However, his passion for storytelling and writing led him to take a bold step and pursue a career as a full-time author for Chetan bhagat latest book.

His debut novel, “Five Point Someone,” was published in 2004 and became an instant bestseller. This book’s success established Chetan Bhagat as a prominent voice in contemporary Indian literature. His subsequent novels, including “One Night @ the Call Center,” “The 3 Mistakes of My Life,” “2 States,” and “Half Girlfriend,” further solidified his position as one of India’s leading authors.

He has penned several captivating Chetan bhagat novels that have captured readers’ hearts worldwide. His storytelling prowess and unique narrative style make his books stand out in the literary world. Chetan Bhagat’s writing resonates with readers of all ages, offering a blend of relatable characters, contemporary themes, and thought-provoking insights into the complexities of life. Chetan bhagat best books continue to inspire, entertain, and leave a lasting impact on readers worldwide.

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